Over the past few years, I’ve been dabbling in a bit of sound therapy, which is really interesting since I am super-duper sensitive to loud noises and lots of cluttered sounds.

Considering my sensitivity, it’s been an interesting journey into working with all manner of sound healing tools, and I thought I’d share a little of what I’ve learned.

There’s healing in sound

Sound healing is a practice that uses the power of sound to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. 

It involves the use of different sound tools such as...singing bowls, gongs, chimes, drums, and tuning forks, to produce vibrations that can help to balance the energy within the body.

The idea behind sound healing is that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, and that these vibrations can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 

By using sound to create positive vibrations, sound healers aim to release tension, reduce stress, and promote relaxation and inner harmony.

I’ve become particularly enamored with singing bowls. Crystal singing bowls are often used in sound healing to promote relaxation and balance in the body. 

In this way, they’re sometimes aligned with the chakras.

As you may recall, Chakras are believed to be centers of energy in the body according to traditional Indian medicine and spiritual practices. There are seven main chakras, each associated with a different color, sound, element, and part of the body. 

The chakras are aligned along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head. 

Here’s a little Chakra refresher

  • Root chakra (red): associated with grounding, survival, and physical needs, located at the base of the spine
  • Sacral chakra (orange): associated with emotions, creativity, and sexuality, located in the lower abdomen
  • Solar plexus chakra (yellow): associated with personal power, confidence, and willpower, located in the upper abdomen
  • Heart chakra (green or pink): associated with love, compassion, and relationships, located in the center of the chest
  • Throat chakra (blue): associated with communication, self-expression, and truth, located in the throat
  • Third eye chakra (indigo): associated with intuition, perception, and higher consciousness, located in the forehead
  • Crown chakra (purple or white): associated with spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness, located at the top of the head.

Healing with frequency, tone, and vibration

When crystal singing bowls are aligned with the chakras, they are typically chosen based on their frequency, tone, and vibration. 

For example, a bowl that resonates at a lower frequency may be used to stimulate the root chakra, while a bowl that resonates at a higher frequency may be used to stimulate the crown chakra. 

During a sound healing session, the practitioner may play the bowls in a specific order, starting with the root chakra and working their way up to the crown chakra. This is believed to help balance and align the energy centers in the body, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Sound healing is believed to be cleansing because the vibrations produced by sound tools can help to release negative energy and emotions that may be stuck or trapped within the body. These vibrations can penetrate deep into the body, and can help to clear blockages and promote the flow of energy throughout the body.

One theory behind how sound healing works is that it stimulates the body's natural healing abilities by restoring balance to the body's energy systems. 

Sound vibrations are thought to help restore the natural frequency of the body's cells, tissues, and organs, which can promote healing at a deep level.

Sound healing practice for mind and emotions

In addition to its physical effects, sound healing can also have a cleansing effect on the mind and emotions. 

The practice of sound healing can help to quiet the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace and calm. 

Using sound practice this way can create a state of mental and emotional clarity, allowing a release of negative thought patterns and emotions that might be holding you back.

Overall, sound healing is believed to be cleansing because it can promote a sense of balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit, and can help to release negative energy and emotions that may be blocking our natural healing processes.

Does sound healing work?

The effectiveness of sound healing is a subject of ongoing research and debate, and there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

However, many people who have experienced sound healing report positive effects.

There are several theories about how sound healing works.

One theory is that sound waves can affect the body's energy field, or aura, and promote healing by restoring balance and harmony to the body's systems. 

Another theory is that sound can stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers that promote a sense of well-being.

While sound healing has not been extensively studied, there is some evidence to suggest that it may be effective in reducing stress and anxiety. 

One small study found that a single session of Tibetan singing bowl meditation reduced feelings of tension, anger, fatigue, and depression in a group of college students.

More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of sound healing and to understand how it works, however, many people find sound healing to be a useful complement to other forms of therapy and self-care. 

It’s important to note that sound healing should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or therapy for any physical or mental health condition.

If you’re interested in really esoteric sound/vibrational research, check out this amazing documentary about how vibrations and intentions impacted the development of ice crystals in water.

 Want the experience? 

Sacred Sound Ceremony

Karen Steuer