Element: Wind

Chakra(s): ALL!

Even the lore of Labradorite is magical. 

Legend has it that the light of the night skies (the Aurora Borealis) lay trapped inside the rocks of Labrador…waiting to be discovered by the Inuit people. A warrior tried to free the light with his spear but the rock was too strong and the light was crystallized forever in the rock.

Simply look at the stone and and its magical powers will be imprinted on your mind.

When I think of Labradorite, beyond being captivated by its’ glorious and brilliant appearance (called labradorescense), I think of both magic and protection.

Originally discovered in Labrador, Canada, it’s found in different parts of the world, and it’s a treasure due to the vivid blue, green, gold, orange, red & violet flashes (oh, hello there Chakras!) 

A close relative of Labradorite is Nuumite - it’s native to Greenland and while it exhibits the same colors as Labradorite, it does so in different patterns.

What’s so special about Labradorite? 

It helps open the connection to your innate magical powers, and is a stone of strength and unity! 

For those working in other realms, it’s highly protective & helps enormously with recall. 

Also embrace its powers of inner peace and tranquility when dealing with the stresses of everyday life.

And sometimes, it’s just okay to adore it because you can stare at its depths and flashes of color endlessly and let your intuition tell you how it feels to you. 


~ Karen

Karen Steuer