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Unlock Your Full Potential: The Benefits of Working a Personal Growth Plan

Unlock Your Full Potential: The Benefits of Working a Personal Growth Plan

In today’s fast-paced nutty world, personal growth is an important part of unlocking your full potential.

While it can be something that evolves over time (organically, you might say), creating and working on a personal growth plan that is well-defined can warp-speed your journey of self-awareness, self-improvement, and fulfillment. 

So really…what are the benefits of creating and working on yourself? 

Words like “meaningful and successful life” sound great, but what is it really?

Karen Steuer
Healing With The Chakras

Healing With The Chakras

You may have heard of the chakras, but if you don't really know what they are or how to work with them - and especially if you're too shy to ask - you aren't alone! Let's talk about what the chakras are and how you can use them to better your health, mind, and spiritual journey.
How Crystal Energy Works

How Crystal Energy Works

Crystals and gemstones are living formations that have been growing in our earth since the beginning of time.  Considered highly sacred and powerful, these beings have been used since the dawn of ancient civilization.  These ancient crystals have been used as encoded tablature by the lemurian civilization which dates back 30,000 years.
Sheryl Burns
Product Highlight - Say Yes to flip flops in Winter!

Product Highlight - Say Yes to flip flops in Winter!

Say YES to flip flops in Winter!  Check out this blog to learn more about the amazing benefits of the VibesUp flip flops.  AND until September 5th, Save $30 when you pre-order a pair!

Sheryl Burns
Why Plants?

Why Plants?

Why are plants so important?  Plants connect everything around us and within us.  Without plants, we would not exist.  Plants are used to feed and nourish us, make our clothing, to build our homes, provide us with oxygen, and they clean the air around us.  Plants are connected to everything in our lives.
Sheryl Burns
Tagged: healing herbs plants