A Piece of My Story....
As I close out another year I am taking some time to reflect on all I have struggled with and overcome, all the difficult times and all of the triumphs, I am drawn to write this extremely vulnerable post. Although, it is my hope that this will inspire and motivate others to be courageous and to create the life you want to live! !Nothing like going out with a BANG!
I am unsure why I am drawn to do this, as it is a very scary thing for me, but I can hear my “A Team’ (My Divine Guides, Spirit Guides, Elementals, Angels, and my Soul Family) all pushing me to do it. And so for reasons I may not understand, I have learned, if anything, this year to follow their instruction. And as a side note: After reading Dave Mackey's AWESOME book "Spirit Test" I conducted one of my own regarding sending this. What I got gave me chills, a resounding YES! (more on that in the blog coming soon: Book Review - "Spirit Signs")
2016 started off like a bad train wreck. I was severely depressed, still recovering from several massive seizures that put me in ICU for 4 days and drinking heavily any and every chance I had. On top of it I struggled with the seizure medications making me an emotional wreck! I couldn’t understand at the time why I continued to drag around my past with me everywhere I went. I was addicted to chaos, destruction and negativity. No matter the fact that I had so much hope and beauty in my life. I had finally met and married my soul mate, was immediately adopted into 2 warm, accepting, and loving families, lived in a beautiful home and had a job doing what I loved. Still, all I could see and live was my past. It was as if I was my past, I was allowing it to define me.
In February, I hit the bottom. I was exhausted, unhealthy and sick and tired of being sick and tired! I had finally had enough! I mustered up any courage I had left in me (including a little liquid courage) and told my husband I needed help. I was fortunate enough that he was right there! We immediately began looking for a rehab that would support childhood trauma and the strong spiritual beliefs I had (not an easy task!) However, we found a wonderful place in Maine and off I went! The plans were set. I still can’t believe I had the courage to do this! This was the biggest triumph of 2016 and perhaps of my entire life! Up until this point I have felt ashamed to share this story. How could someone who has had a lifetime of success and beauty get to this point? Up until today, I have hidden this secret.
It was a long and difficult road… If there is anything to know about me, it is that I do things my own way. It takes me a while to make the decision, but when I do, look out! I don’t let others tell me how to do something, I am blessed that I listen to my inner self, and in this case it has served me well! How did I get through this?…not the conventional way. I hated AA Meetings. I needed a more non-conventional way, something I could relate to. I went and I did the programs in the beginning that was asked of me. Through it all, I kept saying to myself…what do I relate to that keeps me on the right path? I was very drawn to spirituality in a metaphysical sense. I had had a lot of experiences that helped to shift me in the past. So in the end, I worked very hard at Meditating, a ton of Self Care, Metaphysical Healings and I used my Oracle Cards every single day to guide me and I reached out when I needed to. (there is a lot more to it…but for now, I think this is enough)
Eventually, after about 4 months staying sober and taking care of myself (which included starting trauma therapy, which has been Divinely Sent) I was doing a long healing meditation in the sun. That was the moment the store came to me! It was a beautiful calm day. When I asked my Guides if this was my next step, a huge gust of wind practically blew me off my chair. This is usually how my guides answer a strong “YES!” At first, old mentality set in…how in the world was I going to pull this off? How would I pay for it? What if it failed? And then the thought that shifted me… “All the programs out there say not to make major changes early on!” Nope, was NOT accepting that! I knew deep down this was something healthy for me. That I could open a place of healing not only for others but that in helping others would be a part of my healing as well. A place where I could find my “Tribe.” A Tribe that was healthy! And if nothing else I would prove it could be done! And I did!
I am now 10 months sober, I own a successful business, and more importantly I am enjoying my family and friends more than ever! I am continuing to work on me, in healing childhood trauma, and I have created a life I love!
In 2016 I have overcome the death of a loved one, the stress of owning a business and have done it all sober! In only 4 months we have grown the business to a place where we can expand. I am grateful for all of 2016 and what it has given me – the Triumphs AND the Challenges! I am extremely grateful for 2016!
So, because of how truly grateful I am for 2016 and all of its blessings, 2017 is going to be a year of giving back! As, some of you already know, I am starting a new Recovery Program called S.P.I.R.I.T Recovery – Spiritual People In Recovery Inspiring Today, “a Metaphysical Approach to Recovery.” This will be my biggest Goal for 2017! Through my experience, I truly believe there is a faster and less painful way to recovery and I want to share that with others.
If you are interested in learning more, participating, donating your time, or you or someone you know want to be a part of our group, please contact me: Sheryl@tangledrootsherbal.com
Follow my blog for more information… Since this was an incredibly large, vulnerable move for me, I would love your feedback! Thank you and Many Blessings and Inspirations for 2017!