Welcome to the Tangled Roots Family!

Meet our team of talented herbalists, psychics, bodyworkers, witches, and intuitives, all ready to help with all your holistic and spiritual needs.


Karen Steuer


It’s my pleasure to continue the beautiful journey Sheryl Burns started here at Tangled Roots Herbal. I come at herbalism through nearly 20 years of self-study and using herbs and botanicals to build a thriving soap and skincare business (Hemlock Springs Soaps).

My background couldn’t be more removed from Herbalism…I started my professional life in college admissions, flirted with corporate sales (and didn’t really enjoy it!) and spent several years as a Training Consultant for a large University in Boston. After that, I spent a few years working with school districts around the country creating professional development training programs for K-12 teachers.

But herbalism and working with natural ingredients has always been something I’ve just done. I started making soap in 1999, and fell in love with the process and the possibilities. Then I started to learn how to make creams, lotions, balms, salves, tinctures, natural cleaning products and then in 2013 took my passion full time and spent the past 5+ years building Hemlock Springs Soaps.

A chance conversation with Sheryl in the spring of 2018 lead my husband (Paul) and I to seriously consider stepping into the huge shoes Sheryl and Tim created here, and became official in November 2018.

I’m ever so thankful for the warm welcome, and hope to spread the warm embrace, learn from you and with you as my journey here begins.


Christine Lenihan

Reader (Tarot, Palmistry, Psychometry), Reiki Master, Health Coach

Christine is an empath, energy healer and Traditionalist Witch High Priestess. Since a young age she knew she was an intuitive and learned that this gift was passed down through her maternal linage. Growing up with Irish & English heritage she was always drawn to the Celtic lore and she is now a Celtic Traditionalist Gwyddonaid High Priestess and runs her own coven locally.

Learning Palmistry was a true passion for Christine. Discovering what the lines, mounts and symbols mean in the hand of family and friends sparked a desire to help other find what their lines means to them. She loves helping people connect authentically with themselves.

Christine is also talented in the Tarot and has been reading for over 20 years. She has helped numerous people from all around the world when she worked in Salem, MA connect to their intuition and guide them on their path, whether it was work, love or other desires. Using Tarot is a simple but effective way to tap into your intuition and find your spark for life.

Christine is also gifted with Psychometry. What is Psychometry you ask? Simple answer: It is the ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them. Have an item you can carry into the shop and Christine will be able to read the energy of the object.

Christine strives to help others not only find peace in their spirituality but also within their physical body. As a Certified Independent Health Coach with Optavia, she will coach and guide you to achieve one healthy habit at a time striving to reach Optimal Health and a better lifestyle. As she is aware of how stressful life is these days, nutrition is important to maintain a healthy balance in life, work and finances. 

Reiki is a complete system of self healing and can be implemented to help you release old emotional patterns. As a Reiki Master Teacher Christine can help you process through the pressures of career, relationships, and finances. 

Christine is also an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. She believes in making your ceremony truly reflect what your commitment means to you and your significant other. She will collaborate with you on what specifics you would like for your special day. She offers free consultations. Christine can perform ceremonies in most dominations and non-denominational. Types of services offered are: Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Hand-fastings, Baptisms, Funerals, Christenings, House Blessings, Spiritual Healing, Energy Healing, Spiritual Guidance


Lori Haynes

Reader (Psychic, Past Lives, Medium), Energy Worker


 Lori Haynes saw “ people “ when she was a child. She was raised in a
strict  Christian household and was told that it was her imagination.  So she
only allowed herself to see and talk to her guardian Angel Seraphiel who would surround her in a blue orb of light when she was in dangerous situations.
Her greatest love as a child was playing and exploring the forest behind her
home, climbing trees, and lying in the curvature of the branches where she
felt nourished and nurtured. In her teenage years, she would take her journal and
pen into the woods by a large pond, and sat on a large stone to write poetry.

           At the age of 18, her grandfather came into her room while she was
sleeping and kissed her forehead, and said “ good night.” She learned the following morning that her grandfather had died the night before. Her Mother also visited Lori one week after her early transition at the age of 47. She stroked her hair, and told her “ I’m proud of the mother that you have become.” Lori felt so much comfort, knowing that they were still with her.

           When she turned 47, Lori began talking classes on meditation and intuitive
development. She also went to the Sarasota School of Massage Therapy,
receiving certification in Massage as well as Reiki. At this time in her life, she
began seeing “spirit people “ when she was giving massages.
One day Gabriel whispered in her ear, “ Lori, mediumship is healing!”
It was then that she found her “ tribe” at The Sarasota Center of Light.

            It was there that she received certification as a “ Vibrational Healer”,
and after 4 years of training, classes, tests, platform messages at S.C.O.L.
as well as monthly readings on “ Psychic Saturdays” she received her certification
in Mediumship.  Lori moved to Nashua N.H. in 2017 and began her employment
at Tangledrootsherbal. She works with a group of Angelic, and galactic beings,
who call themselves “ The Guardians of Light.” Her greatest joy is to empower
her clients in understanding their intuitive gifts and loves teaching people how to
develop their 6 senses.

            Lori also enjoys being a channel of healing using sound and energy work.
Her daily dose of meditation and heart/ brain coherence breath work keep her in balance and harmony. She continues to take online classes to improve her services.

 Lori is also an “ Emissary” for the Heart Math Institute.