In the magical movie " The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy becomes a seeker for some thing better than what she perceives as lack in her life in Kansas. On this journey, she travels with a Lion seeking courage, a Tinman seeking Love, a Scarecrow who seeks wisdom. With the support of Glenda her Guardian Angel, Dorothy and her companions follow the illuminated path through the entanglement of fear and evil and finally reach their destination ~OZ~.
To all the Dorothys and Daves of the world, that which you seek is the infinite wisdom of your heart! The Emerald City lies within you, enlightening your journey with the unconditional expansiveness of your Soul's divine essence and radiance.

This is the "Lamp" of illumination that shines forward on your path, your "yellow brick" road. Dear ones, the magic of Oz, Home, Godness, and Goodness has always been within you. In whatever way you choose to express your divinity, trust the innate wisdom and guidance of your infinite heart.
With courage and love, we attune to the wisdom within.
~written by: Lori Haynes