Selenite Athames

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An athame is a ceremonial blade, traditionally double-edged, that is used in various spiritual and ritual practices, most notably in modern witchcraft traditions such as Wicca. It's typically not used for physical cutting, but rather as a tool to direct energy.

A Selenite Athame combines the properties of selenite with the symbolic and functional aspects of the athame. Here's how it might be used:

  1. Directing Energy: Like all athames, a selenite athame can be used to direct energy, draw protective circles, or cast and close circles during ritual work.

  2. Energy Cleansing: Selenite is believed to have strong cleansing properties. A selenite athame might be used to cleanse a space, a person, or another object of negative energies.

  3. Connection to the Divine: Due to selenite's association with higher consciousness and light, a selenite athame could be used to facilitate communication with higher realms or deities.

  4. Charging Other Crystals: Given selenite's purported ability to cleanse and charge other crystals, the athame might be used to energetically charge or cleanse other ritual tools or stones.

  5. Protection: In addition to casting protective circles, the combination of the athame symbol and the properties of selenite might be used for protection against negative energies or entities.

  6. Meditation & Spiritual Work: Holding or placing the selenite athame nearby during meditation can aid in achieving clarity, guidance, and higher wisdom.

Remember, the efficacy of tools like the selenite athame largely depends on the beliefs and intentions of the user. While many find them to be powerful spiritual tools, others might view them as symbolic or simply as beautiful objects. As always, it's essential to approach such tools with respect and to use them in ways that feel right for you personally.


Currently the athames we have are roughly 6-8" long

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