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How Crystal Energy Works

How Crystal Energy Works

Crystals and gemstones are living formations that have been growing in our earth since the beginning of time.  Considered highly sacred and powerful, these beings have been used since the dawn of ancient civilization.  These ancient crystals have been used as encoded tablature by the lemurian civilization which dates back 30,000 years.
Sheryl Burns
Intuitive Meaning of a Full Pink Moon

Intuitive Meaning of a Full Pink Moon

This month’s full moon, known as the pink moon, will not be as spectacular as the prior super-moon. It will appear on April 11. 2017.  In fact, it’s just the opposite. This time around, the moon will be furthest from the earth, making the moon appear much smaller.
Sheryl Burns
Where are Mother Earth's Chakras Located in the World?

Where are Mother Earth's Chakras Located in the World?

Where are Gaia's Chakras located throughout the world?  Find out here...

Sheryl Burns
Your Infinite Heart!

Your Infinite Heart!

The Wizard of Oz, the Journey and Your Infinite Heart!  In the magical movie " The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy becomes a seeker for some thing better than what she perceives as lack in her life in Kansas. On this journey, she travels with a Lion seeking courage, a Tinman seeking Love, a Scarecrow who seeks wisdom. With the support of Glenda her Guardian Angel, Dorothy and her companions follow the illuminated path through the...

Focusing on our Roots this Winter...

Focusing on our Roots this Winter...

I wanted to share this beautiful article from Katie Vie that I found on the Blog site because I think this goes along perfectly with the I class taught yesterday on "Seasonal Affective Disorder," or as I prefer to call it "Seasonal Blues."  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
2016 - "A Year to Remember!"

2016 - "A Year to Remember!"

As I close out another year I am taking some time to reflect on all I have struggled with and overcome, all the difficult times and all of the triumphs, I am drawn to write this extremely vulnerable post. Although, it is my hope that this will inspire and motivate others to be courageous and to create the life you want to live! !Nothing like going out with a BANG!
Don't miss the Magic of this Monday 12/12....

Don't miss the Magic of this Monday 12/12....

I wanted to take a moment to share this information for all those who are seeking the "awakening" or for those who are just trying to find their way "in this thing called life."  For anyone who is looking for more light or for a fresh new start to the year!  We are all being called for the awakening, to be the change we wish to see.  Will you answer the call?
Sheryl Burns
Tagged: Spiritual
PapaJoe Ghost Tales - 7:30 - 8:30pm Saturday October 22nd

PapaJoe Ghost Tales - 7:30 - 8:30pm Saturday October 22nd

We'll be visiting the darker tales; from shadowy back mountain villages to the Voodoo culture in Haiti. And maybe a dwelling just a little closer to You!
Sheryl Burns
Sacred Prayer Feathers

Sacred Prayer Feathers

Since we have the amazing ladies of Earthen Moon joining us again for an exciting class on making your very own Prayer Feathers, I thought I would write a little about what they are and why we use them in our practice of cleansing.
Sheryl Burns
New Herbal & Spiritual Gift Shop Opening in Nashua!!

New Herbal & Spiritual Gift Shop Opening in Nashua!!

I am very excited to announce that after 7 years dreaming of this moment, I can finally say...  My husband & I are opening our very own Herbal & Metaphysical Gift Shop!  After working in Whole Body at Whole Foods in Nashua, I realized how many people are looking for this type of store in the area, so we decided to take a leap of faith and open one!
Product Highlight - Say Yes to flip flops in Winter!

Product Highlight - Say Yes to flip flops in Winter!

Say YES to flip flops in Winter!  Check out this blog to learn more about the amazing benefits of the VibesUp flip flops.  AND until September 5th, Save $30 when you pre-order a pair!

Sheryl Burns
Morning Exploration   "Celandine"

Morning Exploration "Celandine"

It is amazing what we see when we become mindful on a walk.  The things we can learn from nature is in abundance when we get outside!  Every morning as part of my early morning routine, I take my dog Rocky for a walk around the neighborhood.  In a world where we are consistently multi-tasking we rarely take the time to be mindful.
Sheryl Burns